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Dr Katharina J Peters
Research Associate
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Dr Katharina Peters has been affiliated with CERG since 2018 when she came to New Zealand as a postdoctoral researcher on an Australia Awards Endeavour Fellowship to study the foraging ecology of delphinids in New Zealand waters using stable isotopes in collaboration with NIWA. She expanded this work in 2020 as a postdoc with Massey focussing on the foraging ecology and distribution of several species of odontocetes in New Zealand and Australian waters, using stable isotope analyses and species distribution models.

After postdoctoral positions at Massey University, Flinders University (Australia), the University of Zurich (Switzerland), and the University of Canterbury (New Zealand), in February 2023 Dr Peters started a faculty position as Lecturer in Biological Sciences at the University of Wollongong (Australia) where she leads the Marine Vertebrate Ecology Lab.

Dr Peters' primary research interests lie at the interface of animal behaviour, population ecology and evolutionary biology and how to apply this information to better manage the conservation of wild populations and their associated environments. Addressing these questions requires quantitative and interdisciplinary approaches. Thus, she uses an integrative approach involving field-intensive ecological and behavioural work with ecological modelling and molecular analyses. 

To view current research projects please see MAVE Lab.

Dr Peters currently supervises MSc student Hannah Crisp, as well as PhD student Eva-Maria Hanninger.

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Cetacean Ecology Research Group

School of Natural Sciences

Private Bag 102 904

Albany, Auckland 0745

New Zealand / Aotearoa


Prof Karen Stockin 

      +64 21 423997


© 2024 by CERG

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