My research interest is in the interface between animal behavior, nutrition, physiology, and ecology. Understanding the ways that functional traits of animals interrelate with their ecological environment and how these interactions can be applied to tackle “real world problems”, are the foundation of my novel program of scientific inquiry in nutritional ecology. Innovation coalesced with sensitive and robust quantitative frameworks, cutting-edge techniques for collecting data in field contexts and the refinement of well-grounded laboratory experiments, have been my research trademarks. These techniques applied through active collaborations in various contexts, showcase the interconnectedness of biological systems and the importance of feedback between disciplines and scales.
My current research focuses on the areas of pollution and wildlife, climate change, biological invasions, urbanisation and wildlife, and wildlife conservation.
Current projects include the bioaccumulation of trace metals and poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in marine mammals and exploring the negative effects of plastic ingestion in wildlife. Furthermore, I aim to understand the nutrient requirements, niche breath and foraging goals of endangered organisms as a tool to predict how they will respond to marine pollution, anthropogenic pressures and environmental changes. Projects in this theme include primates, green turtles (Chelonia mydas), franciscana dolphins (Pontoporia blainvillei) from South America and great white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in NSW coastal waters (Australia).